Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Year Ago

Hey Everybody! Long time no see! I was just reminded by reading one of my friend's blogs that I need to come back over here to my roots and blog for myself. Then I realized that one year ago TOMORROW was the first time I had ever blogged!!! Isn't that strange the way that happened??!!??

Anyway, much to say and tell. Here goes the condensed version of the past year.....and.......GO!!

1) Got hired at Black Bear Dinner Theatre.....2 weeks later they closed.
2) Quit working at Pueblos after my hours got cut to 2 days a week.
3) Went to the Attic to work, and quit 2 weeks later.
4) Was BROKE.....not just kind of........I mean BROKE no money, no food, losing my place to live BROKE during this wh0le time.
5) Found God again in my life and things started turning around.
6) Got hired at Pilgrim's Pride Poultry in Gainesville and will have worked there for a year May 25th!!!
7) Moved from Clarkesville to Baldwin.
8) Hated the nasty rundown apartment I was in so moved again to where I live now. I have lived here since Election Day. I'm not sure what day that is though. haha.

Well, that was definitely condensed trust me, because I have learned more about myself and about God and His plan for my life in the past year than I have ever learned in my entire life.

God has blessed me so much it's not even funny. During that time in my life when I had nothing, that was when I figured out, all I had was Him, and that's all I needed to grow. My finances are in good shape, my job is in good shape, my life is in good shape. I am happy. I said on one of my first blogs that my life was good, not great. Well I can honestly say now that it is great.

I will definitely be filling everyone in on details about the past year, and the new friends I have made, and how much I love my life now over the next few blogs. Thanks for listening!

Live for Him,

1 comment:

Alias said...

Hey! Good to have an update on your life! Sounds good! I am glad you are doing so well and that God has taught you so much over the last year!!!