Sunday, March 15, 2009


Simply put.........the greatest board game of all time. I play at least 3 times a week with my friends downstairs, and my other friend and his fiance. Tonight was especially great though......because.......I WON!!! WOOHOO!!

Now, let me put this in perspective. I'm good at the game, but I play with some people who are REALLY good at the game. So for me to win is......WOOHOO!! haha.

I'll set the scene.....

7 people (6 is the max # that can play....that means there was a team of 2!!)

1 Settlement, 1 City to start the game (Makes the game go faster rather than having 2 Settlements)

Great #'s for the resources. (You know what I mean if you've ever played.....if not....this makes no sense)

Towards the end of the game, I had 4 cities for 8 points on the board, 2 knights played, and 1 "in the hole". If I play the 3rd knight....largest army is MINE! The right numbers hit and I got enough cards to buy 3 Development Cards praying that at least one would be a point. I ended up getting a Monopoly........and.........are you ready for this??? 2 POINTS!!! I WON!!!! WOOHOO!!!

It was amazing.

This post will mean absolutely nothing to you if you've never played the game, so ignore it. haha.

By the friend was going to be the next one to roll, he would have rolled, bought a development card.....and gotten another point. (We "theoretically" played the next turn.) He would have been out. But I got it by ONE role!! WOW.

I do have to give my friend props though. He played his heart out and really got screwed because everyone kept trying to steal his longest road, and then someone actually did because I helped them. BUT......I'm not mean, I simply did it so I would win. I know selfish, but, hey, it's a game........that I WON!!!

In all seriousness, my friend did awesome and should have won. Seriously, he had built so much, and should have definitely won, and would have gone out 2 rounds earlier had I not helped the person steal his road. So, I'm sorry L***. (If you want people to know your name, that's fine, but for now, we'll call you L***.) haha.

Alright, so that was my night. Great food (That K***** cooked......great job by the way!) and great fun. Thanks for reading.

Live for Him,

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