Saturday, March 28, 2009


I just want everyone to know that I am in the happiest place in my life than I have been in over 9 years.

God has blessed my pants off, and I am loving every minute of it.

Call me a baby, but I'm sitting here at work tearing up because of how happy I am.

It's just amazing, and I've never felt anything like it in my life before. Follow Him. Follow God.

That's all I can say, follow God, listen to Him, and obey what He says. Your life will be blessed.

Trust me, to trust Him.

Live for Him,

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So this is a picture I've taken. It has actually been published in a periodical under the title, "Upon A Hill". I love taking pictures and actually want to pursue it in some form as a career. It's just one of my passions.

But anyway, I took this picture in Helen. If anyone has ever been to Helen, you know exactly where this is. People pass by it a lot of times, but really don't know the history behind it. Next time you pass by, stop and read the sign on the side of the road. It's got some cool history. is the place that I submitted this picture to be published. There were thousands of entries and I was very humbled to know that my picture was chosen as one of about 100 pictures to be published.

Unfortunately, I was to poor to be able to afford to buy the periodical at the time, but it's very cool to know that it happened.

The reason for this post is one - to see if posting pictures works on here, and two - to share my hobby with you.

Alright, I know this was dull. Sorry. I'll talk to you soon.

Live for Him,

A Waffle House Christmas

Hey Everybody. I think this is so cool how I can post directly to my blog from here. Right now I'm at work, and not doing much, I'm simply listening to some music, and working on paperwork as I get it.

Waffle House....Doesn't everyone love Waffle House??!!?? I mean, if you work overnight, or even if you don't, and you're just a college student, you HAVE TO love Waffle House! Although, I will say this, I'm not like most people in that I don't particularly like the hash browns. I LOVE their grits though. (You ever heard that Grits ='s Girls Raised In The South??) I think that's ridiculous, but if that's the case, I sure do love me some grits. haha.

Naw, I'm just kidding, but I just got back from eating at Waffle House and that's what made me think about all of that. That's another great thing about Casa de Waffle though....the fact that they're open 24 hours a day 365 days a year. We almost ended up at Waffle House a couple of years ago for Christmas Lunch!

My mom and aunt planned a huge Christmas Eve dinner, and completely forgot about Christmas Day lunch, and all the stores were closed. So we ended up driving all over town to try and find somewhere that was open. Well, out of 4 Waffle House's on our one exit, every last one of them was packed out with a wait!!! So guess where we ended up???? Think "A Christmas Story"!

Yup.......Hong Kong King Buffet!!!!!

I kid you not, it was the funniest thing I think I have ever experienced. It was one of the best times of our lives. My uncle constantly kept singing, "Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra" like the singers off of "A Christmas Story". It was so funny. The joke from that day out was that was the first time any of us had ever tasted cat! HAHAHA. We were kidding of course, and if you are offended by that, sorry, it's meant as a joke. But yeah, we all ended up in Stockbridge at Hong Kong King Buffet. It was awesome.

Isn't our Christian walk like that sometimes though? We wait until the last minute to prepare for what we need. We go around looking for different avenues and ways of getting it done quickly our way. Then we turn to God and we expect Him to deliver and then when he does, it's not exactly what we were expecting but it always turns out ok. And most of the time it turns out better than we were ever expecting.
That was the last time the entire family was together for a Christmas and it was one of the best memories that we will all cherish forever.

Keep in mind as you go throughout your week that if you keep an open mind, and are communicating with your Heavenly Father daily that you might find yourself in a better position in the end than when you started off. Until next time.

Live for Him,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Is Cool now I can post from work.

This is short cause I'm just testing it out.

Live for Him,

Ever Feel Inadequate?

Anybody felt inadequate for a task that you knew you were supposed to do, but you just felt like God didn't know what He was doing when He put you as the person to do it?

I'm not sure why, but lately, I feel totally inadequate, and I guess that's where God wants us. He wants us at the point where He can get all the glory. If we were able to do it all on our own, there would be no reason for Him to allow it, because He gets no glory.

I'm so excited about what's going on in my life right now with my walk with the Lord, and the great responsibilities that He has given me, but I just feel like I'm not the right guy for the job.

Kerry at Level Grove spoke tonight about Gideon and how he was the youngest, and smallest, of the entire tribe, yet God used him to defeat an entire army. But before it happened, God took the size of Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300 so that there would be no doubt that it was God who allowed the victory to happen.

So if you ever feel like the underdog, know that throughout the Bible God used the underdogs most of the time so that He would get the glory. So be on the lookout for God to do great things in your life, as He prepares your heart to serve Him.

It's something, I've learned, and I'm still learning. Even though we are not adequate God's grace is enough!

Live for Him,


For those of you who don't know....I'm going to Nicaragua from April 3-10th.

We have 17 people going, and it is going to be an amazing experience for each and every person that goes.

Please be in prayer that God would continue to bless each of those going and continue to provide the funds so that each person can go.

We are all VERY excited about what the Lord is going to do while we are there.

Talk to you soon.

Live for Him,

God in My Life @ Level Grove

I have experienced God in so many ways over the past 3 years that I have lived in Northeast Georgia. The largest way is the church home that he provided for me at Level Grove.

For me, this blog is very personal for me in the sense that it is what is going on in my life, and it gives me an amazing opportunity to allow others into my life and see how God is working in my life.

I'm sitting here, almost in tears, knowing the struggle that I've faced over the past 3 years. I'm almost in tears, because now I'm on the other side of that struggle. I've climbed that mountain, and now I'm successfully on the other side receiving the benefits, and blessings that God has for my life. It has been the hardest, most difficult years in my life, but I made it through.

I will never fully be able to adequately explain in words what the people and my brothers and sisters in Christ mean to me at Level Grove. When I moved here, I had no one. I knew 6 people who were all family members. Other than that, I did not know the area, I did not know the people, half the time, I didn't know where I was, and was lost. I was so scared.

That's when God brought me to Level Grove. I knew that the first thing I needed to do when I moved was to find a solid Bible believing church that would minister to me even if I couldn't minister to others. God knew that this was my time to be ministered too. I didn't know it, but He did.

As far as I was concerned, my life was fine. My relationship with God was fine, and that's all I needed to know. Well, it wasn't. My life was on a path that would have slowly led to destruction.

At Level Grove I found Godly men and women that ministered to me, and loved on me, and gave me the affirmation that I needed to know that God was still in my life. I will never be able to fully express how in over my head I was, but know that I was in it deep. I needed help, and God knew that I would find it at Level Grove.

I tell you all of these things to tell you this....Level Grove is and forever will be in my life somewhere that I love and cherish. Not because of the people, or the building, but because of the way that God was evident in every portion of my life while I went to that church. I don't know why God has called me away from Level Grove, but I know that if it weren't for God, it wouldn't be worth it. I love each and every person there deeply, and I plan on visiting often and whenever I can.

Live for Him,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Softball, Brakes (Again), and "The Lock-In"....

What's up everybody!?!?!? Well, I'm tired right now, but I'm trying to put of cleaning my apartment, so I figured I would catch up on writing.

Softball......SO FUN! I got asked to play on Life Church's team for this season. I'm REALLY excited because I love to play. I'm simply an average player, I don't necessarily excel at softball, but it's a sport that I really enjoy. I got chosen to be catcher for the team. that is something that I can get behind!! I'm actually good at that position. I'm lazy, so all the other positions in the outfield require to much running, and I'm a really big target, so infield doesn't really suit me either. haha. But yeah, I really like all the guys on the team, and I know we're going to have a fun season.

Ummm, Oh, yeah, brakes. (I had to look at the title to see what I was supposed to write about next....haha). Yeah, brakes.......I have new ones on my car. Apparently it was a good thing that I took them to get repaired too, because they ended up having to replace both back roters at $45 a pop! WOOHOO. Yeah, so that took the total from $140, to........drum role please......$248!!! Yeah, so that was a hit to the wallet, but whatever. At least I won't die from not having breaks. lol.

I just realized, well no I didn't, that's a lie. Let me start over......I have known for a while that my sense of humor is all whacked out. I've been told I have a comedians sense of humor in the tense of I think of things differently than most people. Ok, ignore this paragraph, it makes no sense. I'm tired. What I was trying to say is, I'm one of those people who makes themselves laugh in their own heads. Yeah, one of those people.

Ok, I'm going to wrap this up because it keeps on going further and further downhill.......

The Lock-In.....I'm going to the lock-in at Life Church at 8pm tonight. Apparently I am known in the youth realm up here in North Georgia as the guy who does "Underground Church". It's a really awesome game that you play in a pitch black church.......running......with guards.......and flashlights......and yeah, it's fun.

So anyway, all the teenagers in Habersham County know me for that, and I think that is hilarious. Hahaha. I've actually had teenagers come up to me at ball games and stuff and ask me when the next time I was playing it was so they could come.'s that fun.

What else?? I think that's it. My clothes are ready to come out of the dryer I think, so I'm going to run and go get them, and finish cleaning this apartment. Talk to you later!!!

Live for Him,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Work, Brakes, And A Cruise!

What's up people?? I'm a little tired, but I'm hanging in there, so I'm going to write this while it's still fresh on my mind. First things

Work is work. Had a good night last done at 3 so I listened to music and did practically nothing all night long because I had all my stuff done. You can't work if there is no work to be done right? Good thing about my job is, I have to be there even if there isn't work to be done, because truck drivers come in to deliver and pick up loads of chicken all night long. But not tonight, it was night was gravy.

Brakes. Yeah, my car needs them, because the back ones....well, the back left gone. Yeah, I noticed the "crunching" noise, and had my buddy look at them, and he said it was making the noise because basically the brake had disintegrated. Why? Who knows. Wait, I do's because I'm Stephen Horton, and everything that can happen with a car, happens to me.....ask anyone that knows me. It's a fact of life that I live with. I've actually gotten used to it, and it's the reason I have an emergency fund. Haha.

Well, anyway, the emergency fund went for something else this month, (yes, I do know that's not how an emergency fund works, but when you have have to!) Anyway, so I didn't have the full amount it was going to cost to do the brakes. So I went down to this place here in Baldwin that my buddy knows the owner of real well. I went in and told him who I was, and that my buddy had referred me, and asked him if I could pay the total in 3 installments.

He looked right at me, and goes, "Are you an honest person?"

I go kind of jokingly, "Of course!"

He goes, "No, I'm serious, I'm a straight forward person, are you an honest person?"

After I sobered up my look, I said, "Yes, I really am, and if you want some type of collateral or whatever, I can..."

He interrupted me and goes, "No, that's fine, I just wanted to hear it from you that you're an honest person."

So that was weird, but totally an answer to prayer, because I prayed that God would soften this guys heart so that he would go for the "payment plan" and he did!! So praise the Lord for that. I'm telling you guys, prayer works!!!

And finally......the CRUISE!!!! WOOHOO!!! I have NEVER been on a cruise, and I'm going on a 5 day, 4 night cruise for......are you ready for this????............$226!!!!!!!!! That's everything!!! Port fees, taxes, food, EVERYTHING!!!! $226!!!!!

I FREAKED out when I heard that. I mean freaked! God is blessing my stinking pants off lately. I was just thinking, and actually talking about, how I hadn't been on a vaction to the beach in over 5 years, and here comes the cruise!! I'm telling you, if you want things, just ask God. He won't always give it to you, but He wants you to ask!!

So the best part about the whole cruise is this......My best friend's wife, A*****, set up this whole thing for our church, and the cruise is actually giving us a $200 credit to do what we want with. Per a person!! $200!!! So if I want to go on an excursion or whatever, $200 free. So basically the entire cost of this cruise to the Bahamas is costing me $26. I have never heard of such. It's nuts, and I can't even believe it.

OH....AND.....I get to room with one of my best friends, and his dad, who I have known since I was like 8 years old. They are AWESOME guys, and I am STOKED to get to room with them. Seriously, they're really, really, cool, and that's mostly why I'm excited about going on this cruise!

So yeah, my day is going great, and I have church tonight, which will make it 10x's better. So I'm going to get off now, and head to bed, but I will post some more later. Thanks for reading!

Live for Him,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3/17/09 1:00am

So…here I am at work. Not the most fun thing in the world, but hey, I’m happy I have a job, and a good one at that. I am trying to decide whether or not I want to go get something to eat now, or later. I can’t decide. I get a lunch break either way, but I don’t know when I want to take it.

If I go now, McDonald’s still has lunch/dinner being served, but if I wait until after 3am, than they start serving breakfast. Oh what decisions I have to make. Dad-gum-it. I think I’m going to go before 3am because I’m thinking I want a burger or some chicken nuggets.

Anyway, someone, or everyone, is bored reading this, so I’m going to stop for now…..go get something to eat……and then come back. Sounds like a plan. Maybe I’ll have some wild story when I come back. Hey, we can always hope right? Haha.

3/17/09 2:45am

Ok, so I’m back. I’m fatty McFatterson, but I’m back. I ended up going to McDonald’s and getting a large sweet tea (light ice), and a double cheeseburger (no pickle). Gotta be specific!!

Anyway, I wasn’t happy with just that, so I thought about it, and I remembered that Taco Bell is open until 2am (or later depending upon location). Haha….it says that in the commercial, so I thought I would throw that in there.

Ok, Stephen, back on track…..So anyway, I went to Taco Bell and wanted a #3 (3 soft/hard beef tacos, and a drink). For me though, it’s 3 soft beef tacos no lettuce, and a Pepsi. Bad news, they’re all out of lids for the large drinks, so all they have is medium size, and they can’t give a discount due to the inconvenience. Dang it. So I remember, wait….I have sweet tea from McDonald’s!!! Cool, whew, no big deal. Problem solved, so instead of the drink, I get him to throw in 2 more soft tacos the same way, and call it a deal.

Now I’m sitting back at my desk, as full as a tick, and now I’m tired because I’m full. Why didn’t I think this through???!!!???

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Simply put.........the greatest board game of all time. I play at least 3 times a week with my friends downstairs, and my other friend and his fiance. Tonight was especially great though......because.......I WON!!! WOOHOO!!

Now, let me put this in perspective. I'm good at the game, but I play with some people who are REALLY good at the game. So for me to win is......WOOHOO!! haha.

I'll set the scene.....

7 people (6 is the max # that can play....that means there was a team of 2!!)

1 Settlement, 1 City to start the game (Makes the game go faster rather than having 2 Settlements)

Great #'s for the resources. (You know what I mean if you've ever played.....if not....this makes no sense)

Towards the end of the game, I had 4 cities for 8 points on the board, 2 knights played, and 1 "in the hole". If I play the 3rd knight....largest army is MINE! The right numbers hit and I got enough cards to buy 3 Development Cards praying that at least one would be a point. I ended up getting a Monopoly........and.........are you ready for this??? 2 POINTS!!! I WON!!!! WOOHOO!!!

It was amazing.

This post will mean absolutely nothing to you if you've never played the game, so ignore it. haha.

By the friend was going to be the next one to roll, he would have rolled, bought a development card.....and gotten another point. (We "theoretically" played the next turn.) He would have been out. But I got it by ONE role!! WOW.

I do have to give my friend props though. He played his heart out and really got screwed because everyone kept trying to steal his longest road, and then someone actually did because I helped them. BUT......I'm not mean, I simply did it so I would win. I know selfish, but, hey, it's a game........that I WON!!!

In all seriousness, my friend did awesome and should have won. Seriously, he had built so much, and should have definitely won, and would have gone out 2 rounds earlier had I not helped the person steal his road. So, I'm sorry L***. (If you want people to know your name, that's fine, but for now, we'll call you L***.) haha.

Alright, so that was my night. Great food (That K***** cooked......great job by the way!) and great fun. Thanks for reading.

Live for Him,

In His Time

Today has been an incredibly liberating day for me. I have been seriously, daily, praying for about 6 months now about my church home. Ever since I've moved up to North Georgia I have attended Level Grove Baptist. I didn't even visit any other churches in the area when I first moved here, I simply went one Sunday, and just knew it's where God wanted me.

However 6 months ago after I had been at Level Grove for a year and a half, God started tugging at my heart. I didn't know what He wanted at first, and for over a month, I prayed that God would reveal Himself to me. I had no idea what was to come. After a year and a half of going to Level Grove, God was calling me to follow Him and find a new church home. I didn't want to. I hate change. God had uprooted me from my home of more than 12 years, and moved me to a completely new place where I knew 6 people who were all family. Now, after changing any and every constant in my life, and allowing me to get settled in a new church home, He wants me to move again? I didn't want too. I simply plugged my ears, and stopped trying to hear Him.

There's just one problem with that......He lives inside of me. I can't get away from Him, because He never lets go. I cried, I screamed, I hit my pillows and threw a royal temper-tantrum....yet He was still there. I sought counsel from so many different people that I know are solid Bible believing Christians. I told them that I did not want to move churches, but I knew God wanted me too. The answer came back the same every time. "If you do not listen to God, and follow where He leads, you'll go astray..." I started reading in my Bible and God began to speak....

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." -Mathew 16:24-25

"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
-Mark 1:17

"I am the light of the world; he who follow Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
-John 8:12

Ok, ok, ok.......I get it. At that point, I began to pray that the Lord would lead me to the center of His will, wherever that might take me. I think I should have been more specific with Him though....

About 2 weeks later, God took me out of the aparment I was in, and put me where I live now. My former apartment was not working out at all, and I was seriously praying for God to take me out of that situation too. Little did I know, the church and apartment thing would coincide.

The next part of this story, I will never forget. It was election night 2008. I had been to vote earlier on that day, and then I had an appointment with my current landlord (and now friend) to see about moving into one of their apartments. I had 2 appointments to look at one apartment and one room that day, the first one was my current residence. I met my current landlords at their home (which is also where the apartments are) and they showed me around, and then it began. I felt the Lord. His presence was so much in this room that it couldn't have been mistaken for anything else. So my friends went downstairs and left me to look around the rooms on my own so there wouldn't be any pressure on me. They left me keys to 3 rooms that they had available. I walked through each and every one of them just praying that God would give me wisdom to know what to do, and which one take, if any, as long as it was in His will.

I came into my current room, and it was overwhelming how much I felt that this was the right place for me. God answered my prayer in a mighty way that night. So this room was $25 more expensive than the others because it is larger with a separate living room, bedroom, and bathroom. It's more of an "apartment" than a room. Anyway, I knew I couldn't afford the extra $25 a week that it would take to get the apartment, but I knew that God wanted me here in that particular room. So I told them my decision, and God made it happen and at they dropped the rate $25 to allow me to live here. God is awesome.

When I first met my friends, they told me straight up that they were Christians and that this house was their "ministry". A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! God provided. He knew that I needed a place with Godly people running it so that I could be ministered too. I got their at 6pm that night and I didn't leave until 9:30pm. I completely missed my other appointment and it didn't even matter. My friends took me out to eat (1 hour after meeting me) and I knew that God's hands were all over the whole situation.

So I continued to go to Level Grove after moving here still praying that God would reveal what He has for my life as far as a church home goes. My new friends go to a church here called Life Church. It's a stone's throw away from the house where I live. Anyway, over the past few months, I have developed a very close friendship to my friends/landlords and they have become to mean a lot to me. The man is an extremely wise person that knows a lot about everything!! He has helped me with issues ranging from my car to my finances! And the lady is amazing too. She has such a spirit of grace and love for people. She has discernment and can just minister to you when you need it. So through these qualities in both of them, as I said, we have become close friends.

Well, the man told me that they were offering the "Financial Peace University" course by Dave Ramsey on Sunday nights, and he thinks it would be an awesome opportunity for me to learn more about finances. So I told him that I would have to pray about it, and get back to him because doing the course would take me away from Level Grove every Sunday night for 13 weeks. WAIT!!! Did you hear what I just said??!!!?? It would "take me away from Level Grove for 13 weeks". That started the hampster wheel turning in my head. I started thinking, "Ok God, what are you doing up there...huh?"

Well, the first Sunday night that I went, I went not knowing many people. I had met a few of the men before at a Wild Game dinner that the man had invited me to before, but I had not been back since. So I walked in the doors that night, and BAM....God's presence was there again. It wasn't a "You do or don't need to go here", it was simply an "I'm here" feeling. After going through the course that evening, I re-met one of the guys there who is also the youth pastor there. We got to talking and ended up going out to breakfast that following Tuesday morning after I got off work. We sat there for about 2 and a half hours talking about everything, but mostly church stuff. My beliefs, his beliefs, where we were in our spiritual lives, where we grew up, etc.

Through that breakfast and hanging out afterwards, we have become good friends. He is now someone that I know I can count on, and someone who I can trust, and someone who I can depend on to be able to talk to about anything going on in my life. It's a very good thing. On a side note, that friendship was also an answer to prayer. My mother and I had been praying for myself a quality friend since I was 13 years old. So never be discouraged, God answers prayer......but in His time.

Anyway, through my new friendship with him and his fiance as well as the Pastor and his wife, I was asked to join the praise team there at church pending a membership change. What an answer to prayer. God is so amazing. That was one of the things that I was struggling with at Level Grove....getting plugged in. I knew that God wanted more for my life, but it just was not happening there.

So now I'm my room.......the Sunday afternoon of the first time I sang on a Sunday morning at Life Church knowing how incredible God is. Singing this morning, and seeing first hand the worship, and love, and power of God that is at Life Church, I'm not scared anymore. I know that God has His hand in my life, and that He has called me to my new church home. I'm so excited to be able to be in the center of His will, because it's ALL about Him.

So the moral of this story is this...........if you don't think God is listening, know He is. He is always there, He is always waiting for you to run to Him, He is always ready to give you everything He has planned for your life.....simply in His time.

Live for Him,

Saturday, March 14, 2009

1am and Counting.....

So, it's 1am. Why are you up Stephen? This is a question that is probably rolling through some of your brains. Well, here's the Yup, work. It's so much fun, NOT! Well, I take that back, I enjoy my job, I just don't enjoy working in general, so there's a conflict of interest there.

But anyway, my schedule is kind of different than others in the sense that I work overnight. I go into work at 11:45pm and get off at 7:45am. Therefore, because I live 30 mins North of where I work, I have to leave generally about 11:00 - 11:15pm to get there on time. I actually like working overnights. I have done it for a little over 4 years now, and it doesn't bother me. I'm a total night owl, and because of that, I hate the idea of going to bed early so I can be at work early in the morning. Plus, my brain doesn't work right at 8am, so working in the morning isn't something I enjoy, or am good at.

So right now, I am actually at home. On Saturdays our schedule at work is different. I go into work Thur night and get off Fri morning. Well, then I don't go back in again until 4:45am Sat morning. This I do not enjoy. I wish I could just go in at 7:45 on Saturdays, but I can't.

Saturdays are LONG days for us. I work in the shipping department, so before we can leave on Saturdays, all trailers have to be loaded for the weekend. This means that we usually pull a 12 hour shift. The money is good, but I just do not enjoy working that long......especially on a Sat.

So here I am, 1am, waiting for 4am to come, so I can go into work. The delima in my head is, do I go to sleep for 3 hours, or do I stay awake, and push through?

This question keeps rolling through my head, so I decided to blog about it. I actually posted my status on Facebook the other day as a question. The question was...."Does anyone ever sit in bed going, 'Ok, if I go to bed now, I'll get 6 hours of sleep', and then you count down to one, and it's a waste?". So yeah, that's where I'm at right now. If I go to bed now, I can get 3 extra hours of sleep before I have to get up. But knowing myself, it's not going to happen.

I know this post has no excitement value at all, so I apologize, but it's what I'm thinking about, so I'm writing it down. OOOOOOHHHH!!!! I know what I can do, I'm going to read one of my devotionals out of a book that I have!! That will be great. Maybe that will help clear my mind. Ok, so I'm going to go do that, and then maybe I'll come back and blog some more, with something of interest to say. haha. Until then......

Live for Him,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Chicken-Q, Family, and God

Hey....back for day 2!!

Well, after I blogged yesterday, I really felt great to be getting back into the whole "blog realm". I found out it really helps me chill out and not stress because it gives me somewhere to put my thoughts down with an opportunity for an outside opinion that I can delete if I don't like it!! HAHA. Just kidding.

Seriously though, today went really well. For those of you who don't know, I have an amazing opportunity to go to Nicaragua this April for a week on a mission trip with my current church. I've had amazing experiences in the past going to Dominican Republic, and I think God is going to really open doors in Nicaragua for new and great life changing experiences. Anyway......I digress. What does that mean anyway?? "Digress" I don't know. However, once again, I'm off on a tangent.

So today.......our group that is going held a "Chicken-Q" where we sold plates of BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Bread, and desert for $7. We sold.......drum role please.........650 PLATES!!!!!! That is INCREDIBLE. This past Wed. we only had 250 tickets sold, so we prayed about it and turned it over to God, and through His help sold 400 additional tickets!!! So I am super excited about that!! That will help subsidize the cost of the trip a TON. We are also having a spaghetti lunch this Sunday after church where we will be doing the same thing - selling plates.

Family.......My mom and older sister are driving over for the weekend because my sister is throwing her sister-in-law a baby shower. We all grew up together, so it's like a family thing, and that's why my sister and mom are coming. Anyway, I got off the phone with my younger sister not long ago, and they said that they would get up here at about 4pm. So, it's 1pm now, and I haven't been to sleep since last night at work.......therefore......I'm going to bed right after I finish this.

Finally, God........He is amazing. I know how people read statements like that, and they will immediately skip over this paragraph, because I used to do the same thing. But now that I am truly living for Him, and I know He has an awesome plan for my life, all I can say is that He is amazing. So skip over if you want, but never forget His awesomeness.

Ok, so that's it for now. There's always a possibility for me to write later, but I doubt it. However, please leave some feedback. I don't care if I haven't talked to you in 10 years, and you just so happened to stumble on my blog and you think I don't want to hear from're wrong. I want to hear feedback, and I appreciate each and everyone reading this. More to come later.......

Live for Him,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Year Ago

Hey Everybody! Long time no see! I was just reminded by reading one of my friend's blogs that I need to come back over here to my roots and blog for myself. Then I realized that one year ago TOMORROW was the first time I had ever blogged!!! Isn't that strange the way that happened??!!??

Anyway, much to say and tell. Here goes the condensed version of the past year.....and.......GO!!

1) Got hired at Black Bear Dinner Theatre.....2 weeks later they closed.
2) Quit working at Pueblos after my hours got cut to 2 days a week.
3) Went to the Attic to work, and quit 2 weeks later.
4) Was BROKE.....not just kind of........I mean BROKE no money, no food, losing my place to live BROKE during this wh0le time.
5) Found God again in my life and things started turning around.
6) Got hired at Pilgrim's Pride Poultry in Gainesville and will have worked there for a year May 25th!!!
7) Moved from Clarkesville to Baldwin.
8) Hated the nasty rundown apartment I was in so moved again to where I live now. I have lived here since Election Day. I'm not sure what day that is though. haha.

Well, that was definitely condensed trust me, because I have learned more about myself and about God and His plan for my life in the past year than I have ever learned in my entire life.

God has blessed me so much it's not even funny. During that time in my life when I had nothing, that was when I figured out, all I had was Him, and that's all I needed to grow. My finances are in good shape, my job is in good shape, my life is in good shape. I am happy. I said on one of my first blogs that my life was good, not great. Well I can honestly say now that it is great.

I will definitely be filling everyone in on details about the past year, and the new friends I have made, and how much I love my life now over the next few blogs. Thanks for listening!

Live for Him,