Monday, March 17, 2008

Going to Revival and New Video Blog

Hey guys,

I just thought I'd drop by real quick and let y'all know what was going on with me today. Right now I'm sitting at the restaurant where I work.....Pueblo's Mexican Cuisine. It's an awesome restaurant and the food is delicious. Seriously, the food is why I went and put in an application, but that's another story entirely.

Let's see, today at 6:30 I have a revival at some church up here and my choir is singing at it. I don't have a solo thank goodness because my throat is not doing so great, but I am happy to be going. The former pastor of my church is going to be the speaker at the revival tonight, so that should be fun.

I don't really have a lot to say right now. You definetely need to go check out my video blog today because it is hillarious!!!! Just click on that link and it will take you there. Don't be afraid to subscribe either and leave some comments. It's 100% free and really, really easy to figure out. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll help.

Well, I gues that's it for now., that really is it. I guess I'll just check back in later on tonight and let you know how the revival went. Hopefully some lives will be changed. Let's hope. Alright guys, until then.

Live for Him,

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