Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So for those of you who don't know, I've been living with some very close friends of mine for the past 3 months which has been a-m-a-z-i-n-g because I love them so much. However, now, it is time to "venture out on my own" and find a place to live of my own.

So about 3 weeks ago I started searching for different room postings on craigslist and even took out my own "ad" saying that I was looking for somewhere to live in Stockbridge. I got a lot of responses and was able to find 4 places that I went and checked out this weekend. I went Sunday to one, and then Monday to 3 more.

Well, the one on Sunday was an experience. I'm telling you...absolutely....crazy. You can ask my friend Steve who went with me around to all these prospective places. It was one of the craziest experiences. The guy kept going off on tangents about the government and working out and how pure his water was at his house. He then started talking about how he "dares" anyone to enter his house without him knowing because quote, "...they'll be staring down the wrong end of a bow staff." CRAZY!!!! It was just total looney tunes.

So anyway, after that experience, needless to say I was a little hesitant about visiting the next 3 places the following day. After a night of not much sleep (go figure) Steve and I set out to go see the prospective places. We went to the first one which was great because it was centrally located between the church and work, it was a nice space, the woman (and her son) that live there are great, and it was $50 cheaper than what I had budgeted. So overall, just a really great experience.

We left there and headed out to the next place which was about 2 miles further away from work than what I'm currently at, plus it was the price I had budgeted. So going there, it already had 2 strikes against it when comparing it to the first location. Got there, and it was a trailer. Not so thrilled about that prospect, but also the room was a literal fourth of the size of the room at the first house. Here's the redeeming factor...the lady renting it was awesome. Just so nice and come to find out she is going to start working with an organization for people trying to quit addictions with a lady that used to go to North Henry Baptist. Steve and I had the opportunity, after she said she was in the process of finding another church, to invite her to our church and by the time we left I feel like she will come this Sunday. So this was definitely a "God appointment".

Finally we went to a place close to Eagles Landing Baptist Church where Casting Crowns are from. I figured going in that it would probably be the nicest place that I saw that day, but once again the distance....about 5 extra miles added onto the trip to work....and the price...which was the same as the previous...were 2 strikes against it. We got there and immediately I just got a bad vibe. The lady was very cold. We stepped in the door and she said "yeah so this is about it". I was thinking, "WHAT?? You're not even going to show me the room." So we just stood there ackwardly for a minute until she started walking towards the living room and we followed. It was just weird, and she was not cool at all.

Anyway, after that all afternoon affair, I had made my decision that the first house from that day is the one I wanted. So yesterday I sent an email to the lady, and then called her but hadn't received a response up until about 3 hours ago, when I got a text that said she would give me a call to discuss move-in dates, and she would send me the rental agreeement.
Soooo.....after all that long story you just's the resolve....I got a place!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very excited, and very blessed that God was watching out for me and continues to do so.

Live for Him,Stephen

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Walking On Eggshells.....

Upon further inspection of myself, I've figured out that I'm more of a "bull in a china shop" type person. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to go in, get it done, and not worry about who or what gets in my way. Kind of cut-throat.

Not the best character quality when you have friends that aren't the same way. In business, which is what I've developed my skills in over the past 4 years, it's great. They call that a "go-getter". You don't go to work to make friends, you go to work to meet a bottom line. It's just that it's not the best in personal relationships and friendships. No one wants to be plowed over.

On the other hand, I have figured out that I don't have to necessarily "walk on eggshells" either. I do, however, have to tone it down so I don't end up plowing over someone just to get what I want and hurting them or our relationship in the process.

I'm a very high-energy type person and can go 90 to nothing all day long, keep going through the night, take a 15 minute power nap, and then start again. That's just always who I've been. It's too much for people sometimes though. Not everyone has that same "go - go - go" attitude that I have.

Especially since I've been back down here on the southside of Atlanta I have experienced an unusually high desire to just constantly be going.

For me, it's a good thing. If I'm constantly on the go, and with other people, I can't get into trouble in the way I used to and the way I would if I were alone and left to my own devices. That's actually part of the way I keep accountability for myself is by going all the time. For the exact reason I just listed.

It's also different and hard for someone who doesn't have the same struggles as you do to understand why you do the things you do. I may seem pretty spuratic and at loose ends, but I generally have a purpose behind what I do......generally.

I guess bottom line is this....I'm going to have to tone it down if I want to keep the friendships I have. All of that is ok, and I don't mind doing it....just pray for me that God will provide new ways of staying accountable to not only myself, but also, and more importantly, to Him. Also pray that God will continue to bless my friendships and continue to grow them into what He would have them to be.

Live for Him,

His Grace Is Perfect

After I got done writing the blog last night, I went in my room and had my quiet time. I opened up my "This Daily Light" which is a devotional that's pure scripture. It takes different references of scripture from the Bible and compiles them into a single reading to relate to a single topic. So anyway, I started to read the devotion for August the 9th in the evening portion. Nothing.

Now what? Do I go to bed? Do I cry because of the pain I'm going through? Do I punch the wall? Do I go outside and punch a tree and picture people's faces that I dislike? What - do - I - do?

So I prayed. I just started talking to God and pouring my heart out to Him. Told Him everything that was going on, and told Him that I would really like His feedback on the whole situation. (By the way, I talk to God like He's my best friend and He's sitting right there next to me....nothing formal.)

Anyhow, like I said, I told him that I could really use some feedback.....once again....nothing. No voice through the darkness, no grand idea that instantly popped in my head, no overwhelming feeling that He was there with me, just...nothing.

So, I decided to play what I affectionately call, "Bible Roulette". This is where you take the Bible and open it up to some random place and hope that it is either something interesting or something that at least relates to what you're going through.

Right before I opened it up, I said, "Ok we go. Talk!"

Now, not to say that I have some power over God, because that is just not the case, but I know that in my heart I believed He would talk to me through His word, and I "stepped out on faith" and tried to listen.

Opened it up, and BAM! Ecclesiastes 3:1.....this is how it reads:
"To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under Heaven."

I closed my Bible and went to sleep knowing that God had spoken to me, and was specifically telling me that He was in control, that He knew what was going on, and that there was a purpose. Even if I don't know what the purpose for me going through this is, He does....and that's all that matters.

Don't know about you, but I serve an awesome God.

Life for Him,

Monday, August 9, 2010


It comes in many forms, shapes, sizes, and ways. You don't always recognize it at first, but when it hits, it's one of the worst feelings there is.

I have had a lot of pain in my life. (Don't get me wrong the good far out-weighs the bad in my life, it's just today, I'm experiencing the bad part of it.)

I'm a very emotional person in the sense that I let me thoughts/emotions/feelings get in the way of some of the relationship/friendship moves that I make.

I hate the feeling of being stabbed in the back. I've personally never had that physical feeling, but I've had the emotional feeling quite a few times over the course of many, many years of different friendships. I think that statement of being "stabbed in the back" has a lot of weight because it depicts the exact action of someone "taking advantage" of you and "killing" you while you're not even aware of what's going on.

Here are a couple of examples:

Someone says something to your face, and then when they think you aren't watching they do the exact opposite of what they said. Not only was it a bold faced lie, but they were cowardly about it and tried to do it behind your back. Now....that's an extreme case, and doesn't happen very often especially with close friends, but it is feasible.

Then there are other times when you put all you have into a relationship/friendship.....I mean, you put your entire life and being into that relationship knowing that the other person will return at least a small portion of that effort right? Wrong! They return something that isn't even worthy of acknowledgement right? Right. That's a totally different case altogether.

Then you have the rare case that almost never happens when both of those situations are true at the same time. You put everything you have into that relationship/friendship and then not only does the person not return even a small portion of it, they do the unthinkable and lie to your face and then try to get away with it behind your back. That's a really terrible situation to be in. I've now learned from happens.

This is what I am currently learning comfortable and content with God and the pain is much less. It's much less because you have that friend (God) who is there and who would never and can never cause you any pain. He's the perfect friend....he's closer than a brother. When you're all alone and you need someone to talk to.....He's there...and He's given you a guidebook to follow called the Bible because He's been there and experienced it all before. Not to mention He's perfect.

So all that to say this.....for now.....I'm going to work on my friendship with God and get to know Him better, and hopefully the other relationships will improve as a result and no more pain will follow.

Live for Him,

Shout Out His Name


Today was so great and it was all because Kyle and I got to perform our song that we wrote called "Shout Out His Name".

Ok, before I get into this, if I type something that doesn't make sense or I have a few typos or something....forgive me....I'm writing this at 3am.

So I just got done uploading the audio file of our performance this morning to youtube. I had to go through Windows Movie Maker though so youtube would except the file. Oh well, whatever. It took forever, but it's done.

I knew I had to write about this today because I didn't want to forget the feeling. My friend Steve always says to write it down while it's still fresh that day so you can never forget what you're feeling in that moment. So this is what that is.

We got such amazingly positive feedback today from our song that I'm actually in a hurry now to try and copyright it. So, learning about that process will come since it's already 3am. That's beside the point though. The performance was practically flawless and I enjoyed doing it so much.

I am so humbled and so priveleged to have such and amazing church family who loves and supports me and allows me to do stuff like this. Our worship coordinator is a truly special lady who I will remain anonymous because I don't know if she would want me to put her name up here. Hahaha....ok, so I just decided I will call her Mrs. J.

So anyway, Mrs. J is one of those people that you can always count on a smile from. You can always expect a prayed upon request (in other words she prays about a decision before she asks you about it), and a woman who is so full of grace and humility that it impresses me everytime I'm in her presence.

I also have the honor of playing with her son in the band I'm in. He is our drummer, and Vince is killer at drums!! He has such an amazing talent for what he does, and he has a huge passion. Those 2 mixed together equals a SICK combination for our band. What a great guy, and someone who honors God with the way he acts and speaks.

The band is just an awesome avenue that I can't wait to start using to reach people for Christ.

Anyway, like I said, it's 3am, and I'm dead tired. So I'm going to bed for now, but just wanted to share what a blessing and honor it was to be able to share our song this morning and have it go so well.

Live for Him,

Saturday, August 7, 2010

All Over The Place

I titled this blog "All Over The Place" because after I wrote it, I realized I jumped all over the place with different good luck. haha. A.D.H.D. in written form

I truly enjoy helping people. I really, really do. There's a flip side to that though....I enjoy helping people who help themselves. If you are just sitting there like a bump on a log waiting for me to come along and save've got another thing coming. One thing my friends know about me, is that if I have the ability to pick up your check at a meal or something small and meaningful like that...I'm going to do it.

I guess one of the reasons that I enjoy helping people so much is that I have been helped so much throughout the years. I owe a LOT to a LOT of people, but the cool part is, those people expect nothing in return, and that's where I want to be as a human. I mean, there have been many times where I have just been at my wits end having tried every avenue I could think of, and along comes someone to save the day. It's a great feeling to be helped by someone because it lets you know that someone cares.

Truthfully, I think that's what everyone wants in the first place....they just want someone to care. No one likes the feeling of being alone all the time. I mean, I understand the difference between being an extravert and an intravert, but I would have a very hard time believing that anyone would want to be alone constantly.

Personally, it drives me nuts if I'm alone for longer than 2 hours. haha. That's just who I am though, I am very much a people person, and it makes me happy to be around my friends and family who care about me. That's a huge reason why I enjoy working at a hotel so gives me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and interact with people that otherwise, I would have never had the opportunity to do so.

One of the perks of my job and working for the Hilton hotel chain is that I can get $29 a night room anywhere in the world whenever I want. There's actually one of our employees here that does the breakfast 2 days a week just so she can receive this benefit. She doesn't need the extra money and her husband works, they just travel a lot and love the benefits of having that discount.

I want to be able to travel one day for a living. That is one of my goals. Whether it be through music, or otherwise, I want to travel. For being 22 years old, I have already traveled out of the country and around the United States a good bit, but I would LOVE to do it long term. There's just something about going to a new place and taking pictures.

That's another thing....I love taking pictures. I've been told that I'm pretty good at it, but I would love to take some classes to really hone in on my talent. I think being able to travel the world and keep a picture journal and then later sell it as a book would be insanely awesome. I remember as a child going to career day at school and there was a man who was a professional photographer and worked for National Geographic taking pictures. Now THERE is a cool job! lesson today...just some random thoughts. Enjoy your day and go to church tomorrow!!!

Live for Him,

Friday, August 6, 2010


A word that is not used very often, but one that describes how many people feel.

Have you ever felt inadequate for a task that you knew you were supposed to do, but you just felt like God didn't know what He was doing when He chose you as the person to do it?

I'm not sure why, but lately, I feel totally inadequate, and I guess that's where God wants us. He wants us at the point where He can get all the glory. If we were able to do it all on our own, there would be no reason for Him to allow it, because He would receive no glory.

I'm so excited about what's going on in my life right now with my walk with the Lord, and the great responsibilities that He has given me, but I just feel like I'm not the right guy for the job. As I wrote about yesterday, I've been torn a lot. For me, the feeling of being inadequate and being torn, a lot of times, go hand in hand.

I've found that God often "tears" us down so he can rebuild us again totally in His image.

I'm reminded about Gideon in the Bible, and how he was the youngest, and smallest of his entire tribe. Yet, God still used him to defeat an entire army. However, as if being the youngest and smallest wasn't enough, God took the size of Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300 soldiers. Keep in mind as well, that these weren't necessarily all trained soldiers either. These were your average people that decided they would go and help fight. Also, the way that God chose them was by the way they drank from a stream. How much sense does that make??? All these things happened so that there would be no doubt that it was God who allowed the victory to happen. Have no doubt that it WILL happen God's way, or it won't happen at all. If God doesn't get the glory, you might as well forget it.

That's where I'm at...I feel like the size of my army is being reduced. But I still feel just as strong as ever.

Ever since I've totally started living for Christ, I've found that in the past months, God has offered me so many areas in which to serve Him. I was able to lead worship on a Sunday morning at the same church where my father was the former pastor which was extremely special for me. I have found that many people trust me now that did not before and that is because I've decided to be totally honest in the way I live my life. There have just been so many numerous thing change and they have definitely changed for the good now that I live for Him.

So if you ever feel like the underdog, know that throughout the Bible God used the underdogs most of the time so that He would get the glory. So be on the lookout for God to do great things in your life as He prepares your heart to serve Him.

It's something that I've learned a little about, and I'm still learning a lot about. Even though we are not adequate God's grace is enough!

Live for Him,

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today I'm torn.

Torn in a million different directions it seems like, and none of them are right.

One of my best friends is going off to college and that tears me in 2. I absolutely love hanging out with this dude...I mean we just have clicked from day one. I'm definitely going to miss him.

On the other hand, I have a friend where it seems that one day we're amazing and then the next day it's totally different and there's no consistency in our friendship, and that tears me.

I have been researching a moped and found an awesome deal on one and then called again today to confirm everything because I was going to go get it tomorrow, and they sold both of them. Torn.

I have been living with some very close friends of mine for the past 2 months and the agreement when I moved in was for 3 months. That's fine, but I'm going to miss them like crazy when I move out, and that kills me. Torn.

I've lived on my own for the past 4 years, but had my sister who was close by. Since I've lived back here in Stockbridge, I don't have any family close to me, and it's really hard when I just need that family aspect in my life and they're not here.

Just every aspect of my life it seems is coming down on me and just ripping me in half. My friend Steve has always told me that, "The only thing constant in life is change." It's such an ironic statement, but it's so true!

I can tell anything to my best friend. He has always been there and knows more about me than just anyone. But sometimes I feel like I don't want to unload all this crap I'm going through onto him because it's not his problem, and because he's human, an has problems of his own without all of mine added on.

I hate passing off my problems to others because number one, it makes me feel like I can't handle them, and then number two, it makes me feel like I'm burdening the person I'm telling my problems too and making them not want to be around all that. That's when everything gets ackward because you want to say something, but at the same time, you don't want to run that person off with constant "complaining". I don't I said. I'm torn.

I know God has a plan. I do. I know that without a doubt. I know that trials and tribulations make us stronger and prepare us for what is to come ahead in our lives. I guess I've just come to the resolve that yes, I want a break from the stress, but no, I don't want to be out of the center of God's will. If it takes me going through this to bring me to the place spiritually that I need to be, than Jesus, bring the rain.

If you're reading this, and you're a believer, just lift up a prayer for me that God would give me the strength and endurance to be able to continue serving Him. Also, that He would give me patience and understanding when it comes to my friendships. I need my friends now more than ever, and only He can make that happen. Thanks.

Live for Him,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You've Got A Friend In Me

I try to be the best friend I know how to be. Sometimes, that cripples me. What I mean is that when I have a friend I hold them to the same standards I hold for myself as a friend, and sometimes that's just unrealistic.

It's unrealistic because what may be a strength for me and what I find easy, could quite possibly be a huge downfall for my friend. When that happens I get mad at that friend because I would have gotten mad at myself for the same thing. Like I said....very unrealistic.

For instance, I always try to answer the phone if someone calls. Very, very rarily due I ever let the call go to voicemail intentionally. If I do let it go to voicemail, it's generally because I don't have the time at the particular moment to talk to them and I try to call them back as soon as possible. Well.....not everyone lives by that, and that fact is EXTREMELY frustrating to me. If I take the time to call you, I would like it if at all possible for you to answer the phone. Unrealistic....not everyone is like me.

I'm also the type of person that if I call you and you don't answer, I immediately start reading way to deeply into situation and the possible reasons of why you didn't answer and try to figure out what I have done to you. On the other hand, I know plenty of people who if they call someone and the person they call doesn't answer, they think nothing of it. Like I said, what may be a big deal to someone can be totally unrealistic to the other person.

I guess what I'm getting at through saying all of this, is that I've learned to love unconditionally. If you are my friend, you become part of my family. I have very few people that I would call "my friend". I "know" a lot of people and I "hang out" with a lot of people, but I have a very tight inner circle of "friends". So too all of you who are my friends, thank you.

Thank you for loving me despite all my crazy quirks. Thank you for putting up with all my rampages when they weren't necessary to begin with. Thank you for putting up with my constant singing. Thank you for picking me up when I don't have a ride. Thank you for picking up my check at dinner because you know I will do the same thing for you at the next meal. Thank you for being there at 2am when I need someone to talk to. Thank you for praying for me when I don't have the strength to pray for myself. Just...thank you.

I love each and every one of my friends like you are a member of my own family, and I can never express the full amount that you mean to me. Thank you.

Live for Him,

Monday, August 2, 2010

An Almost Waffle House Christmas

Tonight I found myself going through the posts that I've done over the past two years of me having this blog, and I stumbled across an excerpt that really struck me. It was about how our family almost ended up at a Waffle House on Christmas Day for lunch. Read below where I've retold the story.

Many years ago the entire family on my mom's side came to Stockbridge and we did Christmas at our house that year. Well, my mom and aunt prepared a giant Christmas Eve dinner. It was so great. All your regulars like turkey, ham, dressing, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, etc. All of them filled the house with the most amazing smells that everyone loves that time of year.

Well, it turns out that it was really good! So good in fact that the next day we were left with no leftovers and no food in the house!!! Boy were we in trouble! No food, and all the stores were closed for Christmas. So...what did we do?? We set out to find somewhere to eat. I believe there were 4 vehicles total following each other in search of food. We drove all over town and the only places we could find open were Waffle Houses that were way over crowded with very long waits.

We were starting to get worried when all of a sudden something appeared in the distance!!! What could it be??? YES!!! We're saved!!!! Hong Kong King Buffet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA!!!! Oh yes......I can not tell a lie, all 15-20 of us piled into the chinese buffet restaurant for our Christmas Day lunch.

As you can imagine the thoughts from the movie "A Christmas Story" were flooding all of our heads as my Uncle John sang so elegantly "Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra!!!" This was surely to be the Christmas lunch we would never forget. We now have a running joke in our family...that was the first time we had all tasted cat. Haha!

Thankfully we all survived and came out of that year with some of the best memories of Christmas that (at least for me) I will ever remember. But isn't that so much like our Christian walk sometimes? We wait until the last minute to prepare for what we need, then we go around looking for different avenues and ways of getting it done quickly and our way. When we finally do turn to God, He always delivers, it's just not always exactly what we were expecting. The key thing to remember is ALWAYS works out! Maybe not always the way you expected it too, and in this situation, maybe better than you expected it too.

Keep in mind as you go throughout your week that if you keep an open mind, and are communicating with your Heavenly Father daily that you might find yourself in a better position in the end than when you started off.

Live for Him,

1st Day of School

Wow...has it really been 5 that I've been out of school? Today started the 2010-2011 school year for the local students which means this will be 5 years for me. So much has changed in 5 years that it's ridiculous. It got me thinking though, just as every school year comes to a close and a new one starts, so do the seasons that we go through in life.

I've been reading a lot lately in Romans 5 about how a whole multitude of things come from our tribulations and each one is for the better. I know for me that is very true. Over the past 4 years (which were the first 4 years of me living on my own) I have experienced many, many trials and tribulations that have almost crippled me. I've always said that I don't know how people live without God guiding their lives, but these past years I have truly experienced the reality of that statement. The amazing thing though is that God has never failed me, forgotten me, or left me at all. Never, not once, has he turned His head from me and not known exactly what was going on in my life before it ever happened.

There's a lyric out of a Steven Curtis Chapman song that says this, "Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence as our prayers draw us near to the One who knows our needs before we even call His name." That is SO powerful to me! We serve a God who we can talk to, and before we ever open up our mouths to talk, He already knows what we're going to say, and He still wants to hear it!!!

I've also learned the extreme importance of starting off, and ending, your day with a quiet time where it's only you and God talking. I was thinking back to a pretty hectic situation in my life that happened a couple of months ago, and just to see what would happen, last night I opened up my daily devotional to that past morning's date. Wouldn't you know, that if I had only read that devotion that morning that the answer was RIGHT THERE!!!! The problem would not have happened because I would have known exactly what to do. That particular instance just proved and re-iterated the importance of talking to God EVERY day is!

Random Thought: God has so richly blessed me with such amazing friends and family that sometimes I feel unworthy.

All I can say is that if you've never trusted God with your life and allowed Him to take it. The hardest part is taking the first step. I can promise you that after that you will have the most amazing best friend that is smarter than anyone on Earth and more powerful than you could ever dream to lead and guide you. It won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

In Him,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

This Is For Me

Well I've decided that I'm not going to do this blog for anyone but me. What I mean is that I'm still going to leave it public, but if I do it for any other reason than me, than I won't do it. So here is what happened today.

Last Friday (May 28th) I came to Stockbridge to put out resumes. I put them out a lot of different places but only got one response. I got a job offer from the Comfort Inn & Suites in Stockbridge. She asked if I could come in for an interview on Monday. Since I was already down in Stockbridge (I had come to put out resumes and for Harrison Churchman's graduation and then Memorial Day picnic at NHBC) I just stayed with Steve and Amanda Sunday night and went to the interview on Monday. I went, she offered me the job, and then that afternoon I headed back for Mom and David's house in Bremen.

I got a call on Wednesday letting me know that they had submitted my information to their management group and that they had informed her she did not have permission to bring on anymore staff at that time. So, I was pretty bummed out about that to say the least. When that happened I started calling some of the other places I had put in applications at in Stockbridge and the manager at Hampton Inn said that she was interested and was planning on giving me a call anyway and wanted to know if I could come in for an interview. So we set up an interview for today (Friday June 4th) at 11am. I know that sounds like a lot of detail but it's important to know the timing of all this.

So I talked with Mom and we threw around a couple of ideas of how I could get down to Stockbridge from their house (I had taken the Subaru the weekend before but could not this time because I would be staying longer and David didn't think it would be a good idea with insurance and everything. Mom had just bought her new Altima by the way). Anyway, after talking about it, she was going up to North Georgia to see Ryleigh and had an appt at 11am on Friday morning in Eagle's Landing, so she said I could just ride with her up to North Georgia on Thur and then she would drop me off at my interview on her way to her dentist appt today.

So this morning we left North Georgia and came down to Stockbridge (Mom had all my luggage in her trunk and I was going to get someone to come pick me up and take me and my things to Steve and Amanda's house after the interview). Mom dropped me off at the interview at 10:45am. By 11:00am I had been offered the job, and asked if I could start TODAY at 3pm!!!!!!!! It was the craziest thing I have ever experienced. She told me I would be making $8.00 an hour and working as a full time permanent employee. Totally a God thing!

When I left, I walked up to Chick-Fil-A where I called Mom and told her what happened, and then I called Steve and saw if he could come and pick me up and go get my stuff and take me to his house. So he came and got me, we ran by mom's dentist office picked up my stuff and $40 that mom loaned me for a taxi to get to work, and then we headed for Steve's house. Steve dropped me off and ran back up to the church and then came back a while later after I had all my stuff put in my bedroom. He and Amanda made a contract for me to sign which were the conditions for me living with them. They had been discussing and praying with me living with them temporarily for a couple of weeks since I had gotten out of jail.

The deal is that I can live with them for 3 months at minimal rent and they are going to help me with managing my finances, my bank account, and helping me get the ball rolling on going back to school. That is the biggest blessing of the day right there. A place to stay with amazing friends who care enough about me to invest their lives into me. That is why I will NEVER forget this day.

After we signed the contract and everything was done, Lindley came over to go shopping with Amanda and they were nice enough to drop me off at work on their way out. Another blessing.....I didn't have to pay $16 one way (we checked) in a taxi. So when I got to work I figured out that I remembered practically everything about the entire OnQue program that Hampton uses from when I first moved up to North Georgia and worked at Hampton for like 6 weeks. Another blessing.....God had let me work there for 6 weeks (long enough to get certified on their system) which allowed me to get this job which I would not have gotten had I not been certified.

So the entire shift went VERY well working with Pat (the front desk manager). Then....Rebecca Durrance, who worked next door at Chick-Fil-A, gave me a ride home....another blessing saving me ANOTHER $16 on the way home from not having to get a taxi.

So, did God prove himself over and over and over and over again today? YES!

Everything aside, I am truly humbled by God's provision and blessings that He continues to pour out over my life. I have never experienced such love not only from God, but also from the people around me before in my life.

I was feeling very down when I lost my job before I ever started with Comfort Inn & Suites, and Kyle Denton called me that day and asked me what was wrong...and I told him what happened. Before I got off the phone he told me that tomorrow when I wasn't working that I WAS coming over to his house and we WERE grilling out steaks and that HE was buying and we were just going to relax with no stress. I've never had a friend do anything like that for me before. Truly, I'm not just saying that. No one has ever taken such concern like that for me in a friendship way before. God is incredible. He just is. There's no way of getting around that. I just can't thank Him enough for both Kyle and Steve and Amanda.

God, thank you so much for what you are doing in my life and the people that You have placed there to help me along the way. You have always been there for me and I always felt that, but now I know that. Thank You so much for that reassurance. I love you.